White Whiskers Newsletter
Do you like the outdoors? How about camping? If you said yes to both, this raffle is for you!!
For just $10 you can be entered to win our camping extravaganza package:
- A 12 person Basecamp tent with built-in LED lighting
- 2 Tree anchor lounge hammocks,
- Kan Jam
- PLUS a mystery box of exciting add-ons!!!
The winning ticket will be drawn July 24, 2021 at our 2nd Annual Block Sale.
To purchase you can….
- Pay via Paypal*
- Send a check* to: PO Box 366 Buffalo, NY 14225
- Or stop by our info table at any of our upcoming events:
*Please add a note that says “Camping Extravaganza”, your name & phone number.
We have a Summer packed full of events! Here is the lineup:
- May 3 & 10 – Final 2 Speaker Series
- May 15 & 16th – Who’s Rescuing Who? Basket raffle for Whispering River Rescue
- June 6th – Majestic Pools & Paws
- June 27th Make & Take Classes
- July 17th Christmas in July Basket Raffle
- July 23 & 24th 2nd Annual Block Sale
Visit our website for individual event details.

White Whiskers Artistic Creations Facebook Page
Our Art page is run by the most amazing group of volunteers. All art pieces/creations are donated to White Whiskers, so all sales go directly to us. This month we are featuring Snuffle Mats!
What is a Snuffle Mat?
Snuffle Mats are canine enrichment “treat toys”. These mats are made of long pieces of fabric created to hold/hide treats, forcing your pup to resort to their natural instincts and sense of smell to uncover the treats.
The benefits of Snuffle Mats:
- Encourages your dog to use their sense of smell
- Improves your dog’s physical and mental health
- Helps reduce canine stress and anxiety
Small $8
Large $ 15
To purchase please email Kim at: wwsdskimjezewicz@yahoo.com

Final 2 Spring Speaker Series Webinars!
Below are our last 2 speakers until the fall. These are FREE webinars via Zoom.
- My life as a zombie with Al Baker! Sign up here.
- Sports Stories with Channel 4’s Josh Reed! Sign up here.

- Collecting Baskets for our raffle in July
- Collecting Unscratched Lottery Tickets for an upcoming Raffle
- Telling your friends and family to save items for our 2nd annual block sale in July. (NOT accepting block sale donations until July 22nd).
If you would like to donate or have questions please email Polla at: whitewhiskerssds@gmail.com
Thank you to everyone who made our Spring Online Auction a HUGE success!!!
A VERY special thank you to our amazing volunteers who took the lead and put this together for us. We couldn’t do what we do without you!
We raised $2,501!!!!
Ever wonder how we are helping the community without having a sanctuary?

Do you remember these guys? Polly (top left), found as a stray in the City of Buffalo; Jack, who we rescued last week in Dunkirk; Midge, whose family was struggling to keep her (bottom left); Belle, whose owner was going to be homeless (Yorkie); and Precious and Lil Bit whose caretaker died, leaving them behind.
White Whiskers was approached to help each of these pups, and we are thrilled to say they are all either now situated in new, loving homes or, like Belle, on their way.
But some of these little ones needed medical care prior to finding their forever homes. And as you know, that’s EXPENSIVE! Also, think about what it will mean when we FINALLY have our own facility! How many more can we save?
Today we ask you to take a moment and make a donation in honor of one or all of these deserving little sweethearts. Every dollar counts! PLEASE! We only get there if you help us!
Contribute through PayPal (whitewhiskerssds@gmail.com) or send a check to POB 366 Buffalo, NY 14225.
We NEED you! THEY need you! And WE need THEM!
These are only 5 of many. Which one of these babies would you deem unworthy of assistance?
Volunteer Spotlight

Meet Volunteer Extraordinaire SallyJo!
I first remember meeting SallyJo Robins last July at the setup day for our block sale. She arrived with two grandchildren and her magic van. I say magic because, throughout that day and the next couple of days, that van produced chairs, tables, first aid equipment, beverages, items for sale, snacks – you name it. If we needed something, SallyJo’s van seemed to yield it.
SallyJo very quickly became indispensable. She can produce ANYTHING! And her fundraising suggestions are always golden! Spare change drive? Cans and bottles redemption? Admin on our White Whiskers Artistic Creations page? Even, “do you need a new pop-up tent”? She has been right in the middle of all of our endeavors. And no job is beneath her or too menial for her to follow through on. Plus, she gets along with everyone! (If you haven’t spent time in the nonprofit world, you have no idea how important that is!)
SallyJo has a herd of grandchildren she has been home schooling during this Pandemic. She also runs her own cleaning business and domestic assistance program for elderly shut-ins, has two dogs and three cats and a husband. She seems to possess a renewable energy source somewhere – solar panels under her ponytail? AMAZING!
Time and time again, she has proven that old adage, if you need help, ask the busiest person you know. Yet another in a series of dedicated, hard-working White Whiskers volunteers with whom we are blessed!
1. How often do you find yourself saying things like, “Excuse me,” “Please” and “Thank you” to your pets?
LOL!!! All day, everyday. I homeschool and work from home, so I spend most of my day with them near me…actually, following me from room to room. I think I interact with them more than I do my husband. LOL! I definitely say “Excuse me” a lot or I would be stepping on them. And I always tell them to “watch the house” and “I will be back in a little bit” when I leave.
2. Has there ever been a time in your life when you couldn’t have a pet?
I do not think so. We always had pets growing up. Dogs, birds, bunnies, Guinea Pigs, hamsters, snakes, fish, a turtle, cats and even ferrets. My favorite is dogs. Always has been dogs. They are THE BEST! And I think every kid should have a pet and every pet should have a kid…..well, at least that’s what I used to tell my mother every time I wanted to acquire yet another pet.
3. Has there ever been a time in your life when you think having a pet has helped to save you, emotionally or physically?
Oh Absolutely!! My dogs absolutely knows more about me than anyone in the world. I was a single mother working full time for many years. Many people do not know this, but I am a super emotional gal and I really don’t like to show my emotions to most people. There were many times when my favorite dog, Madison, was the pillow I cried into at night. Especially when my best friend committed suicide and then a few years later when my Mother passed away. And honestly, when I looked into Madison’s soulful eyes, I swear she understood me. She always knew just when to lay her head in my lap or snuggle up to me to offer her own bit of comfort. Dogs Rock like that.
4. Your dream vacation –
- A. Lying on a beach, sipping a Mai Tai with your dogs
- B. Cross country road trip with your dogs in a swanky RV
- C. Dog friendly Caribbean cruise in a fancy yacht
- D. Patisserie tour in Europe where you can sample all you want with no weight gain or health repercussions.
For me this one is Easy Peasy… Cross Country trip with my dogs in an RV. Swanky would be a bonus! I pretty much love to take my dogs everywhere. And my husband, Kevin, is afraid to fly…but don’t tell him that I told you. LOL! So most of our traveling is done by automobile anyways. We usually take my minivan for the extra room, but an RV with a kitchen and bathroom would be awesome! I am absolutely a “ pull over next to a forest and let’s have a coffee by a campfire” kinda Gal.
5. If you could be granted one wish, what would that be?
Wow!! This is a tough one. I would say my wish would be that my Mother and Madison could do that cross country trip with me. My mother was an excellent map reader and Madison was always good at reminding me to stop along my journeys to enjoy my surroundings. Mostly because she would bark for a potty break, but we would always make it a point to take a little walk and pick a flower or collect a rock for our rock garden. ; )
This month, we salute SallyJo Robins, a true warrior for our cause!
– Polla Milligan, Founder & Director