White Whiskers Senior Dog Sanctuary has JUST purchased property in Wheatfield, NY in order to house homeless senior dogs. When owners die, go into assisted living or can no longer afford the vet bills, old dogs are often euthanized before their time or end up in shelters where the probability of them being adopted is low. People want young dogs and puppies.
White Whiskers is going to address this by providing a safe and loving landing place for them. But that’s not all! We will also be creating many programs for those who can benefit from interactions with dogs – Veterans, the disabled, Autistic children, and also seniors. If we end up with your pup because you went into a nursing facility, we will make sure you can either visit or your pup will be brought to visit you!
Ours is an 1830’s farmhouse in disrepair that needs a LOT of renovation to make it livable. It is sitting on 5.1 acres of overgrown farmland. The house is in one zone which only allows 6 dogs, but going out the back door the land becomes another zone allowing many more. So we need to build the sanctuary itself.
We are embarking on an all-out fundraising phase, a capital campaign we are calling Raise the ‘Woof’, and we need your support.
Please consider donating to White Whiskers through PayPal @whitewhiskerssds@gmail.com, by check to White Whiskers POB 366 Buffalo, NY 14225, through our website whitewhiskerswny.org/donate, or scan the QR Code shown here.
Every penny is critical! No donation too small. Please help us get this critical community mission up and running!