Dear Friends and Supporters,
White Whiskers is SO excited to announce that we have found a home for the Sanctuary! We have secured a property, and the Special Use Permit necessary to open the Sanctuary.
The property is an old VFW Post in Akron, NY. It has everything we will need going forward, including outdoor space for the dogs, plenty of parking, an area for small events, and more. These will all come together as we begin renovations.
Thank you for being so supportive over the last three years. While there is still so much work to be done, we now have a place to call home, and we couldn’t have done it without you!
Many thanks,
Polla Milligan, Founder

Auctioning off Custom Pet Portraits!
Who wouldn’t want a custom portrait of their pet!? All proceeds will go directly to White Whiskers to help with the renovation costs of our new property!
This online auction is LIVE and runs through this Sunday Dec 18th at Noon!
When our friends, 11 year old Ryan and 10 year old Ava (local artists), reached out wanting to auction off custom pet portraits we said “YES, ABSOLUTELY YES!” 4 custom CAT portraits and 4 custom DOG portraits will be auctioned off to the 8 highest bidders!

Candles Make Great Holiday Gifts!
Our sweet friends over at Mystic Pines Candle Co. have made us, White Whiskers the Candle Causefor the month. Check out their website and purchase a candle or 5!

Boobah’s Bandanas!
We are beyond lucky to have so many great businesses supporting us! Boobahs Bandanas made us their rescue of the month. 20% of their December profits will be shared with us! Like/Follow their page and buy a Bandana for your favorite four legged friend!

Save your cans and bottles this Holiday Season!
Our next Bottle & Can Drive is on January 7th at Xtra Dime Back on Engelwood! Don’t forget that we also collect can tabs! You can drop them off to us at any of our fundraising events.