

Volunteer & Board Member Spotlight, Meet Bailey!

Meet Bailey! Bailey Godwin and I have worked together for the betterment of dogs for at least 5 years. She came to me as an intern when I was working for the Niagara SPCA. Good for me that I was able to almost instantly recognize what kind of dedication, creative ideas and intelligence she would bring to the table. And this would be why she’s not only the producer of this newsletter and an ace volunteer, she is also serving on our Board of Directors as our Treasurer. (I believe at one point I even wrote a thank you letter to her mom for creating her!)

Bailey works full time for an Advertising Agency as a marketing coordinator. I fully expect her to own, or at least co-own, the company at some point. She is also on the verge of getting married to a young guy even I approve of.  And she has a wonderful family, most of whom she has corralled into helping Whiskers!!

The following are a couple of questions I wanted her to respond to:

Why dogs? 

From the day my parents brought me home from the hospital there have always been dogs in my house. I grew up with 2 beautiful Labs. And after they passed away we got a Great Pyrenees that absolutely stole my heart. Now my fiancé and I have our rescue pup Dallas or as Polla calls him… “Ears” (pictured above). I have always been a dog person! 

Why White Whiskers?  

Because of you Polla! You showed me that there are so many senior dogs in need. While interning at the SPCA in college, I saw so many senior dogs passed by as people were looking for puppies. I love all dogs but senior dog have a special place in my heart! 

What kind of dog do you think you would most like to be if given a choice? 

Tough question! I think I would be a Great Pyrenees. I grew up with a beautiful male Pyrenees and he was so loyal and protective and had such a gentle old soul, kind of like me!

Bailey will hopefully be with us forever (bribes and witchcraft may be necessary…) I rely on her and trust her entirely. I would trust her with my dogs’ lives, and that is most likely the highest compliment I can bestow.

Thank you Bailey for being a much-valued part of our team!!

– Polla Milligan, Founder & Director