White Whiskers’ home is now open at 35 Lewis Road, Akron, NY 14001.
We want a welcoming, comfortable facility for all – NO KENNELS! No concrete floors! Big old comfy sofas and dog beds for all! Because we want it to be available to humans who can benefit from interactions with dogs, we will have a meeting room, a kitchen area and retro-fitted bathrooms, compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act’s Guidelines.
Our agreement with the Village of Akron is to house no more than 25 dogs at a time. However, with our focus on adoptions, we will positively impact many more
Yes! Once we are operational, we will need volunteers for dog care, cleaning, grounds keeping, and help with fundraising.
We intend to work with local nonprofit agencies and populations that will benefit from the therapeutic nature of dogs, including but not limited to People Inc., literacy groups, and other social service organizations as well as Veterans associations. We also want a Memory garden, open to all, and ongoing, on-the-premises self-help group grief sessions for those who are mourning lost pets.
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